Legendary in a children’s video game

Vivek Bhookya
6 min readAug 30, 2020


Ranked Call of Duty Mobile, but in LinkedIn fashion…

Hi, I’m Vivek Bhookya and I’m going to give you some tips on how to achieve the highly-coveted (re: not really) Legendary rank in the world’s most popular mobile game (citation needed), Call of Duty Mobile.

<Disclaimer about various privileges I have just to provide “transparency” on my achievement even though you’re really just here for the tips>

Disclaimer: I have been playing Call of Duty and first-person shooter games since I was in the third grade, so that makes 14 years of experience.
(I mean we could call this post a guide that was 14 years in the making if it sounds cooler idk exercise left to the reader.)

Some background about the game: eliminate your opponents who are reborn perennially with a gun, knife, etc. just play the game lmao

<Insert worthless sentence about how big the game is to try and make you feel like this game is something you should have already known about and make my arbitrary achievement look more impressive idk just google random facts i guess, this stuff doesn’t make a difference>

Pre-req: a device that can run codm, time, interest. <Unnecessary specs about my phone cuz I want you to know about my phone for whatever reason…> Great!

<The content itself>

As with any new venture into the great unknown, I was filled with troves of curiosity and excitement. My beloved game that I spent many hours on, I can now bring with me anywhere as long as I have my phone and my phone has battery. A lifelong passion coupled with my natural love of challenge, especially overcoming challenges, I felt that Ranked cod was truly the next gauntlet I needed to run myself through in order to feed my ego a fleeting sense of self-worth.

First, with any beast worth taming, some research on the task would only be beneficial…but I skipped that and dove right in due to my self-starter nature that I need you to know about.

I was quickly racking up kills…it was hard to believe that I, a newbie to the notorious ranked servers, was doing so well?

Of course, not every path to success is a straight road, and what felt like a walk in the park quickly became a mountain.

Due to my ability to use my brain, I discovered that ranked call of duty follows a set pattern: 5 v 5 on a variety of maps with four game modes: team deathmatch, domination, hardpoint, and search and destroy.

TDM: free for all but 5v5
Domination: get points from controlling any of three “zones”
Hardpoint: how long can you stand in one place?
Search and destroy: No respawn, cat vs mouse type

(just play the game and youll figure it out)

(i mean honestly youll move up in rank and youll get in contact with higher ranked playstyles and just mimic that stuff. use a gun ur comfortable with, make different classes for each game mode and just play the gameeeee)

<Random anecdotes on my struggles within each game mode and how I persisted and kept my head up and other garbage about how hard I worked and how special I am>

<Other stuff where I reinforce that I’m the main character of this story while I’m also the person in the theatre watching my own movie and asking the people around me if they agreed with me on how well I performed>

Finally, after many grueling hours (lmao some people just loveeee talking about how hard they worked), I finally hit the goal I had set out for long ago: I was ranked legendary (in a children’s video game, keep in mind).
I’m ranked top 3 percent in the North American servers (sounds impressive if you don’t know the context….3 percent is a massssssive margin, professionals are probably only selected out of the top .001% due to the sheer number of players. Also don’t cite me cuz I didn’t look up that statistic). Since you have no idea what that 3% number really means, you’re going to think I’m some crazy good player now, because I write in such a way to try and elicit that response ;)

This experience only reminded me that I can set out to accomplish anything I set my mind to (re: literally any human can do that by default) and I am now hungry for the next challenge in my life while looking forward to destroying the call of duty lobbies in my future :D

Here is where I would say thank you for your time because I can look up the definition of “common courtesy” and then list my social media handles and patreon, less likely because I want the support but more likely because I feel I’ve done something so meaningful for you that you will want to stay in touch with me.

loololool ok sorry I guess it’s rude to clown on people like this hahaha just meant to be a poking-fun type post.

Please accept these genuine tips:

Adjust your sensitivity in the game settings to get a “turn speed” you’re most comfortable with. It is worthwhile to get used to higher level sensitivities if you can simply for the increase speed of turning corners, turning around etc.

Customize your ADS setting for each gun type. I run full ADS on every gun just to save myself the “zoom in” touch. There were, and will continue to be, instances where using hip-fire would’ve won me a one-on-one challenge, but I wouldn’t say that this micro use-case takes away from my overall enjoyment of the game and so I personally don’t care for customizing my hip-fire setting.

Take note of each map’s respawn points and the paths available to get from one place to another. On that note, observe how you play in each map, each game type, and think about how you would attack against your playstyle to develop strategies against players who will inevitably be similar to the way you play.

Learn to slide! Sprint, then press the crouch button to slide. Thanks to your studying from above, you know what corners and places people frequent and so take care to slide into spaces, past entrances, around corners, under opponents etc. to make yourself harder to shoot at while giving yourself more time to attack.

Play with different guns, attachments, perks, grenades etc. You might be devastating with a gun, but you also can choose to use a grenade in your loadout. Take time to see how to incorporate those extras into your playstyle. For instance, trip mines are very easy to set up and can once in a while get you a free kill while you’re elsewhere on the map.
Don’t rely on these extras though….they’re most efficient when used as supplements and not as a genuine system of play.

Dropshot! When you see someone and start a fight, hold the crouch button to drop to prone. This makes it a bit harder to get shot at.

Aim for the head! Headshots hurt more than shots anywhere else!

Take breaks! Play for an hour or so, then rest your wrists and fingers due to being in an unnatural setting for an extended period of time.

Watch spawn areas for opportunities to “farm” opponents.

Spend time playing with the least accurate sniper rifle to build up your accuracy — if you can get points with the most difficult-to-aim weapon, you’ll do a lot better with a weapon that is much more accurate and easier to use :)

Try different strategies, routes, loadouts etc. to see what other ideas exist in the game and how to use them for an advantage.

Review games… in each game, there were probably 0–5 exchanges where you lost the bout but could’ve won due to either an unfortunate reload or you were slow to aim etc. Note these situations and what created them and then take steps to avoid them so that you can be victorious more often than not next time ~

Just play! You’ll learn various skills thru focused drills, sure, and then these drills will become mechanical habits for your playstyle.

Have fun! It’s a game, if you have aspirations for professional endeavors then figure out what you need to do, but otherwise just take it easy and play how you want. Maybe don’t use any tips here, or just run around with a knife the whole time idk it’s your game experience and you influence what that can look like!

Cool, thank you for reading, hope you enjoy your game more!



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